Selected a running mate that believes in conversion therapy for LGBT children, a practice which is widely considered to be abusive pseudoscience.Pledged to appoint right-wing Supreme Court justices.Come out in support of the anti-trans HB2 law in North Carolina.Promised to sign the First Amendment Defence Act which would essentially legalise all forms of anti-LGBT discrimination, from marriage to workers rights, provided the person can prove that the discrimination is on religious grounds.While trying to market himself as a pro-LGBT candidate, Trump has: He unfurled the flag at a rally in Colorado on Sunday (October 30) evening, however his actions throughout the presedential campaign and a number of pledges he has made suggest that he is anything but a friend to the community. Donald Trump has been mocked after a feeble attempt at LGBT solidarity which saw him hold up the Pride flag - upside down - with the words 'LGBTs for TRUMP' scrawled across it.